Thursday, January 15, 2009

A $3.7million booty call....,2933,480037,00.html

Apparently a 22 year old virgin in California is auctioning off her maiden voyage. She's offering to sell her virginity to the highest bidder, and thus far, the highest bidder is willing to pay a whopping $3.7 million for the first crack at her "good girl!"

I'm going to resist the urge to offer up any kind of moral interpretation on this situation, because, let's face it....that could get me on a rather high soap box for a pretty significant amount of time...and I still have loads of reading to accomplish for my marital life cycle class. Also, I don't seem to be quite the entreprenuer that this girl is, seeing as how I just pissed my virginity away on love.

All morality aside...

Does the guy paying for this experience not realize that we're in a very fragile economy? I mean...I've personally never visited the "lush rainforest" but I've heard from multiple sources that if there's no emotion involved then one "lush rainforest" looks and feels surprisingly similar to the next. Why pay such a top dollar price for something that isn't going to be any different than something he could get on a Las Vegas street corner for $20?

Times are tough, Dude. Shop generic!

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